Architectural Statues in Historic Greece

A good number of sculptors were paid by the temples to accentuate the elaborate pillars and archways with renderings of the gods until the time period came to a close and many Greeks began to think of their religion as superstitious rather than sacred, when it became more typical for sculptors to represent ordinary men and women as well. Portraitur

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Water-raising System by Camillo Agrippa

In 1588, Agrippa’s water-lifting discovery captivated the attention and compliments of Andrea Bacci but that turned out to be one of the final mentions of the device. Merely years later, in 1592, the earliest contemporary Roman waterway, the Acqua Felice, was linked to the Medici’s villa, perhaps making the unit ou

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Exploring the Baltic and Scandinavian Nations

Don’t forget the Baltic states when traveling by sea to Scandinavia, as the region offers lovely Old Towns to explore and a rich history that dates back to medieval times and the Hanseatic League. Some of the cities viewed as “most livable” in the world can be found in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. Norwa

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California's Garden Water Fountain Analysis and Results

The first implementation of a sugary drinks tax in the US came in February 2014, when it was passed by the city of Berkley, California. The taxation is thought to reduce sugary drink intake and improve the consumption of healthier beverages, like water from fountains. Research was conducted to find out the status of local drinking water fountains a

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Installation of a Water Fountain In Smaller Gardens

Since water makes a reflection, small spaces will appear larger. Water features such as fountains benefit from the reflective characteristics stemming from dark materials. Use underwater lights, which come in many different forms and colors, to flaunt your new feature at night. Eco-lights fueled by sunlight can be used during the day whereas you ca

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